February 29, 2012

Purpose 5 - Seeing Life From God's View

Purpose 5 - 
Seeing Life From God's View 

We don't see thing asa they are, we see them as we are (Anain Nin)
How do you see your life? Life sometime like a carousel, goes up and down. And sometimes going around and around. 

How do we picture our life? Image is our life Methaphor. We used to express our life methaphor through cloths, jewelry, cars, tatoos, hairstyle even bumper sticker.

Three Methaphors God teach us God's view of Life
  1. Life is a Test
  2. Life is a Trust
  3. Liife is A Purpose Drien Living.
Character is both developed and revealed by tests, and all of life is a tes.

The more God gives you, the more ersponsible expect yo to be.

life is a test & trust.  What have happened to us recently that we now realize was a test from God?  What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to us?

Unless you are faithful in a small matters, you wont be faithful in large ones.  Luke 16:10a

source Purpose driven life


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