November 4, 2013

Beware of fake inspectors! | Arab News — Repost

Beware of fake inspectors! | Arab News — Repost 
Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.:

 "Jeddah's Police Department has warned expats to beware of individuals pretending to be inspectors on the lookout for illegals. They said that many might actually be thieves trying to infiltrate homes. Nawaf Al-Bouq, spokesman for Jeddah Police, told Arab News: “Inspectors wear the official uniform and have identity cards to prove their designation. In addition, inspectors are not allowed inside private homes. “No cases have been reported yet, but our role is to warn people to be wary of such fraudsters. The Ministry of Labor will begin raids on Monday and there may be people taking advantage of the situation.” Social media networks are also circulating messages warning the public of fake inspectors from labor and passport offices. Many of these fraudsters, they say, have long criminal records of burglaries."

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