November 4, 2013

Paperless illegals can never return to KSA | Arab News — Repost

Paperless illegals can never return to KSA | Arab News —
Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.:

"Illegal workers who are not in possession of official documents will be considered for final exit provided their respective embassies certify their citizenship, Maj. Gen. Mansour Al-Turki, the Ministry of Interior’s spokesman, said on Sunday. Al-Turki was speaking at a joint press conference with Deputy Labor Minister Mufrej bin Saad Al-Haqbani to announce the end of the amnesty period from Monday. He said that expatriates to be considered for final exit should not have any criminal record and that these workers will not be able to come back to the Kingdom for employment in future since they will be fingerprinted at departure points. He said this arrangement has been made in response to requests from several embassies who say they do not have any documents to support the original entry of many of their citizens. Speaking with Arab News following the press conference, Al-Haqbani thanked foreign workers who have participated in the development of the Kingdom. "

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