Good Friday And Easter

Good Friday And Easter

Jesus died on the cross. Jesus was nailed on the cross. Yes, He was nailed. How many of you have taken injection shots? Do you remember the feeling of pain that comes with a very thin needle? That also is taken away within few seconds. Now imagine getting hit with a nail and the nail crossing your palm, a thick nail and you are left to bleed. Now imagine the pain.

Pain, intense pain, yes, death by intense pain and Jesus died with that. By laws of science, I don't know how much of His weight was taken by His palms, but even if the weight taken was a fraction of his body weight, the pain would been much more. And Jesus died on the cross, bearing his own weight with his palms, bleeding. Left to bleed in the afternoon sun.

Good Friday was the day He died. I read somewhere that earlier it was called God Friday. And He resurrected on Easter Sunday. If one goes through the work and the teachings of Jesus, one finds nothing but selfless giving and miraculous cures. Jesus could cure miraculously because He was Son of God. But did He enjoy any material comforts? Any pleasures? His life is nothing but a chronicle of a man who suffered, but took away sufferings of others. Even His death was a very painful death.

What does Jesus' life teach us? It teaches us not to give suffering to others but take it ourselves. It teaches us to comfort others. It teaches us selfless giving. It teaches us to forgive even if extreme pain is inflicted upon us. It teaches us to love all and hate none.

Let us celebrate Easter Sunday. Let us remember the teachings of Jesus Christ. Let us spread peace in the world. Let us start giving selflessly. Let us live selflessly. Let us all spread goodness, happiness and cheer in the world. Let us all work to remove hatred and vice from this world.

C.D.Mohatta writes on spirituality, motivation, management etc. You can send []Easter ecards with messages written by him. Also download beautiful []Easter screensavers with meaningful text messages. The third site, the author writes for is []Cupid Ecards.

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Ruel said...

It's very difficult to follow the deeds of Jesus but it is the most rewarding act. Have a blessed Good Friday..

Life Moto said...

Hi Rupahel thanks for dropping by.

At least we take one step a day. Simple good deeds everyday is enough to follow the foot steps of the Lord.
Have a nice and enjoy the Holy week vacation Bro!


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