Phenomenal Funny Video - Charlie Bit Me

Charlie Bit Me is one of the most popular funny videos on youtube. It was posted way back 2007. Today Charlie bit me video have 120,210,989 views and a total of 229,351 text responses. What make me laugh is the boy cute British accent.
The mother said in youtube. "Even had I thought of trying to get my boys to do this I probably couldn't have, neither were coerced into any of this and neither were hurt (for very long anyway). This was just one of those moments where I had the video camera out because the boys were being fun, and they provided something really very funny."
i always watch funny videos at youtube mostly when it is milk or meal time of my toddler. Though, i haven't let him watch this video for i am afraid he will follow this one!
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Ma Belle
this is hilarious....i saw it like a month ago.
Both the kids are so cute.....
funny..cute ng accent nila tol...
Both are so adorable! :)
Thanks for dropping by!
They really cute specially w/ their accent. Than guys !
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